
Views of local authorities on the objectives and the setting up of the Plans for the Prevention of natural Risks (PPR)


Implementation of the Natural-Risks Prevention Plans (PPR), established by the Barnier law in 1995, was due to the relative failure of the Risk-Exposition Plans. The new plans were intended, in particular, to clarify and redefine the means and the roles of the State and townships, improve collaboration as well as streamline and accelerate the procedure. Currently, the experience gained is not yet sufficient to access the procedure in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. However, to ensure the best possible level of mutual awareness and knowledge between the partners involved in procedures, it rapidly became clear that there was a need to study the reactions of local government entities to the PPR, to their goals and their implementation. That work was carried out by polling some ten townships in two departments, each involved at different stages of the procedure.



Country : France


Country : France


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