
Agricultural profession and nature protection associations: a constructive confrontation? Observations in Indre and Cher departments (France)


The Agricultural Policy Law adopted on the 9th of July 1999 introduced the Land Management Contract (LMC). This new tool allows the remunaration of non marketable functions of agriculture. The LMC also ensures a better coherence between rural development (Rural Development Decision) and the market prices due to the common agricultural policy (CAP). The Departmental Committees of Agricultural Policy (" CDOA ") are widened to associations for the protection nature. This participation is difficult in the Indre and Cher departments (Centre region). The agricultural profession doesn't acknowledge the relevance of associative work, particularly in the Indre. About twenty interviews farmers reveal different approaches in the agricultural world. In the studied context, the CDOA doesn't seem to be the place for a constructive confrontation. The mobilisation of associations remains weak and new methods (training courses, skill exchanges) have to be implemented in order to reach the LMC goals.



Country : France


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