A European regulation on the management of invasive introduced species: main lines of action and discussion points
Received : 9 December 2014;
Published : 9 December 2014
A Regulation on « the prevention and the management of the introduction and spread of invasive introduced species » was published 9 September 2013, and has been discussed at the level of the European Parliament and the Council. First, this article aims at presenting this regulation, which aims to mitigate the impacts of invasive introduced species, to harmonize the management of these species at EU level and to develop a preventive management. The provisions it contains will apply to a list of invasive introduced species of concern to the Union and will involve bans and restrictions, management of pathways of introduction, a surveillance system, controls at the Union's borders, rapid response measures and the management of widespread species. Second, we will present the issues that have been debated over the past months, such as the nature of the impact of species on the list, the territories affected by these species and where the provisions will have to apply (all or a part of the Union's territory). We also discuss bans and derogations that have also been debated. This presentation allows an appreciation of the importance and complexity of the national policy to be implemented.
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