An Integrated restoration plan for the main water courses in the Haut-Rhin Departement, France
Received : 9 July 2015;
Published : 9 July 2015
The European Water Framework Directive requires each European member to reach the good status for its water bodies. Therefore, the Haut-Rhin general council decided to initiate an integrated river restoration and management plan for its main watercourses. The restoration program aims at restoring river ecosystem functionalities. It follows an integrated approach of river basin management. The actions are based on three lines: on the one hand the hydromorphology, which aims for the re-establishment of the lateral ecological connectivity and the restoration of optimal bottom and bed diversity, on the other hand the longitudinal ecological connectivity restoration, finally the ecology, which aims to restore the riverbank vegetation and wetlands. An advanced and innovative methodology, based on an integrated and global approach, has been developed in order to define and give priority to actions in a pertinent and suitable way.
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