The mountain Territories Workshop "Living and working in mountainous area at a time of climate change"
Received : 1 August 2019;
Published : 1 August 2019
On the 30th anniversary of the Mountain Law of 1985, the Ministry in charge of territorial cohesion organized a national session of the Territories Workshop in 2016-2017, on the theme "Living and working in mountainous area at a time of climate change". The Territories Workshop is an approach that leads to the "setting in motion" of the actors of a territory to co-construct a strategic territorial project. The observation of the approach on six mountain sites (three in the Jura massif, one in the Vosges massif, one in the Alps and one in the Pyrenees) allows us to draw some lessons on the conditions favoring the adaptation of mountain territories to climate change, for example: develop trust between local actors by creating spaces for dialogue outside the institutional or procedural framework with the support of the local State, move outside the administrative boundaries to work on a territorial scale adapted to the subject under discussion, develop cooperation between territories in the same massif, begin with the needs of the territory to co-construct tailor-made solutions. Tangible results in terms of adaptation will only be visible in the longer term, when operational actions have been implemented.
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