The integration of the ecological and landscape network in spatial planning Perspective of the strategies of two Alpine regions in France and Italy
Received : 24 September 2021;
Published : 24 September 2021
While in France, the law «portant Engagement National pour l’Environnement» (2010) has legally recognized the tool of Trame verte et bleue, in Italy, the "reti ecologiche" has not yet been the subject of any national legislation. Whereas the French regional planning experiments (Schéma régional de cohérence écologique) are carried out within a framework defined by the Environmental and Urban Planning Codes, in Italy, Regions have experimented some first attempts. These attempts are diversified: some have opted for a normative or design approach to ecological networks, while others have used landscape planning (related to the application of the 2004 «Codice dei Beni Culturali e del Paesaggio» to preserve or restore ecological connectivity. The article focuses on two case studies, the French and Italian one, with an emphasis on regional experiences on the one hand (Piedmont and Auvergne Rhône-Alpes), and on their translation into supra-local and local planning (Provincial Coordination Territorial Plan and Regulatory Plan in Italy, Territorial Coherence Scheme and Local Urban Plan in France) on the other hand.
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