Typology of the riparian forests of the rivers in Guadeloupe, a first step towards the development of soil bioengineering techniques with local species
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The PROTÉGER project aims to promote soil bioengineering techniques to preserve the extreme biodiversity of Guadeloupe's riparian environments, while protecting the population and their property from the risks incurred during river floods and cyclonic events. The first phase of the project consisted in describing the archipelago's riparian zones, in order to know their natural patterns and to be able to draw inspiration from them to develop nature-based solutions. Out of the 270 banks sampled, 302 species, 231 of which were native, were encountered, representing 10% of the local flora, reflecting the highly forested nature of the archipelago and its exceptional diversity. The analysis of these surveys allowed us to define 12 types of riparian vegetation, and to document 80 species that could potentially be used in soil bioengineering. The study presents 30 of them in the form of individual sheets available on the project website with their description, phenology, protection status, ecology, use and conditions of implementation. Beyond the typology and the specific sheets, this work also showed the alarming state of the Guadeloupe’s riparian forests, in particular on the downstream part of the rivers, with habitats degraded by pollution and the presence of invasive alien species.
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