Construction of a model for estimating the number of lampreys on spawning grounds using a simple nest count
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Estimating population size requires taking into account the biology of the species as well as logistical constraints such as human and material costs. Conventional methods based on individual counts provide accurate estimates but are generally difficult to implement. On the other side, methods based on counting cues of presence often do not provide an absolute estimate of the population. One way of overcoming this limit is to find out the relationship between cues and population size. In this paper, we present a model simulating a sea lamprey spawning season and linking individual behaviour and the number of nests built to estimate the number of spawners. The input data for the model is a daily number of nests counted in the field. This model, parametrized from field observation of nesting behaviour, gives realistic population estimates, making it functional as it stands. In addition, it is implemented in an online application easy to use and modify, and requires no coding knowledge. We discuss the possibilities for improvement and adaptation to the constraints encountered in the field in order to make this model suitable for management needs.
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