
Irrigation efficiency at plot level. How to save water?


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Climate change is leading to growing food demand, declining water availability and competing water uses. Agriculture is responsible for 70% of the freshwater withdrawals in the world, mainly for irrigation. Water savings in irrigation have therefore become urgent. This article provides an overview of the different approaches that can be implemented to reduce water consumption at the plot level, and highlights that:
(1) Water savings in irrigation can be achieved by reducing water losses, i.e. by improving irrigation efficiency at the plot level.
(2) Improving efficiency at the plot level is achieved first and foremost through cultivation practices, in particular soil management, which makes better use of rainwater (and irrigation water if necessary). However, very few references are yet available on the water savings achievable through these practices.
(3) Improving efficiency is then achieved by modernizing irrigation systems: changing systems and scheduling irrigation. A great deal of technological progress has been made in designing water-saving application systems; however, irrigation management tools are relatively little used, and there is still considerable room for improvement.



Affiliation : G-EAU, INRAE, AgroParisTech, Cirad, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro, Univ Montpellier, BP 5095, 34196 Montpellier Cedex 5

Country : France


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