Towards a structural increase in irrigation in France: lessons from the 2020 agricultural census
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Analysis of the data from the 2020 agricultural census reveals a resumption in the increase in irrigated and equipped land in mainland France, following a period of stagnation in 2010. In 2020, the irrigated agricultural area will reach 1.8 million hectares, representing 6.8% of the national utilised agricultural area (UAA). This dynamic is marked by considerable spatial heterogeneity, influenced by historical, topographical and soil and climate factors. The regions of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Centre-Val de Loire and Occitanie have the largest irrigated areas. The study highlights a diversification of irrigated crops, with a relative decrease in the irrigation of maize and a significant increase in that of vines and industrial crops. These results underline the importance of irrigation as a response to climatic challenges, while also raising the question of the sustainability of current practices.
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