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Combining telemetry and biologging tools makes it possible to explore the ecophysiological response of migratory fish to anthropogenic pressures such as modifications to ecological continuity and climate change. Using data from the study of Atlantic salmon spawners migration in the Sélune before and after dam removal, we illustrate some possible applications of these tools for knowledge and management. From 2019 to 2023, 143 individuals were tagged in early summer in the Sélune estuary, then followed until reproduction in December. The results show a high mortality rate among tagged fish (between 26 and 83%) during the summer period. On average, almost a third of tagged fish leave the Sélune for neighbour rivers. We observed a rapid recolonization by salmon of newly accessible areas following the removal of the last dam in 2022. Data on temperature, acceleration, pressure and cardiac activity provide valuable information on the behavior of individuals and their responses to the conditions they encounter. Body temperature measurements show that summer thermal conditions in the Sélune are considered stressful for salmon according to literature data.
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