Use of a geotechnical survey with high effectiveness on the Vallabrègues scheme
Received : 1 April 2005;
Published : 1 April 2005
In the frame of the seismic diagnosis survey carried out by EDF-CIH on the Vallabregues scheme operated by the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône, it appeared necessary to know "in real size" the representativeness of weak areas punctually detected by the SPT.
As a result, the Panda method was chosen. Sol Solution has implemented the system on several sites of the studied scheme. Its interpretation, thanks to its fi ne resolution, in a well adapted material, allows to obtain representative characteristics of the studied soils. In particularly, the system has identifi ed in the composition of the embankment, some cycles of resistant and weak layers, which have been designed in the CIH mathematical model. So the results of the model have been improved and the scale of uncertainty decreased.
As a result, the Panda method was chosen. Sol Solution has implemented the system on several sites of the studied scheme. Its interpretation, thanks to its fi ne resolution, in a well adapted material, allows to obtain representative characteristics of the studied soils. In particularly, the system has identifi ed in the composition of the embankment, some cycles of resistant and weak layers, which have been designed in the CIH mathematical model. So the results of the model have been improved and the scale of uncertainty decreased.
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