Hedgerow network infrastructures for biodiversity
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The paper presents the results of a science for action endeavor. The objective was to provide tools to manage biodiversity in hedgerow network landscapes. We tested two drivers. The first is local, at the hedgerow scale, the grade of biodiversity in the Plan for the Sustainable Management of Hedgerows, PSMH). The second, at the hedgerow network scale is the Bocage grain. The PSMH grade refers to hedgerow structure (height, woody vegetation density, structure at the ground level). The bocage grain combine hedgerow density and network topology. The development of the methods results from a close cooperation among scientists and stakeholders on two Brittany Landscape, one being a Long Term Ecological Research site. We tested the methods in four other Breton landscapes and in the Gers (southwestern France). The combination of our two indices permits to assess how the interactions between hedgerow structure and landscape structure control biodiversity. These interactions differentiate areas favorable for forest dwelling species (the most threaten) and areas for open landscape species. The close cooperation among participants to the project was key in getting these results.
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