Scientific coordination : 

Jean-Marc Roussel (INRAE, pôle MIAME) and Laurent Beaulaton (OFB, pôle MIAME)

Published: 3 February 2025

A comparative analysis of microchemical information from otoliths and scales from the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)

Matthias VIGNON, Gilles BAREILLE, Christophe PEYCHERAN, Hélène TABOURET

No. 47 (2025): Managing amphihaline migratory fish in their environment in France

Development of a molecular marker for the identification of lampreys at the juvenile stage.

Ahmed SOUISSI, Anne-Laure BESNARD, Guillaume EVANNO

No. 47 (2025): Managing amphihaline migratory fish in their environment in France

Renovating salmon management in Brittany: the RENOSAUM project

Étienne PRÉVOST, Clément LEBOT, Laurent BEAULATON, Marie-Andrée ARAGO, Gaëlle LEPRÉVOST, Marie NEVOUX, Étienne RIVOT

No. 47 (2025): Managing amphihaline migratory fish in their environment in France